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Critical Needs Fund

Schools may be closed, but our students and their families need us more now than ever before. Here’s more information on our students’ most critical needs — and how you can help.

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Critical Needs Fund

Schools may be closed, but our students and their families need us more now than ever before. Here’s more information on our students’ most critical needs — and how you can help.

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Through our communication with students, families, and school leaders, we’ve determined two URGENT and critical needs:



(Anticipated expense: $130,000)
Many of our students need support navigating the world of virtual learning to maintain their academic progress.

Our team estimates that approximately 200 of our Future Foundation students lack the hardware or connectivity they need to learn digitally.

During the school closure, students and teachers are keeping up with course work through virtual learning. Our Future Foundation Program Team is connecting with teachers to understand their lesson plans so that we can support student learning through daily virtual or conference call-based tutoring. In addition, our staff is using virtual classrooms and other innovative measures to deliver after school enrichment curricula in the areas of social and emotional development, parenting, behavioral therapy, and health education.

Our students cannot afford to lose one month, one week, or even one day of instructional time. Acquiring $130,000 in funding will allow Future Foundation to create a virtual lending library to equip students for distance learning, providing hardware, connectivity, and ongoing technology support — helping our students continue to build upon the remarkable academic gains they have already made this year.


Here’s how you can help right now

A one-time donation of $56 provides one week of virtual learning

and support for one of our students.

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All students that Future Foundation serves rely on free lunch during the school year.

We have identified approximately 135 students and families who do not have enough food to sustain them throughout the week.

To solve this challenge, Future Foundation is deploying its buses for meal deliveries in partnership with our USDA meal provider. Acquiring $85,000 in funding will allow us to make deliveries to families three times per week until school starts back in August.

We have connected our families with resources available through SNAP and the Atlanta Community Food Bank. While these resources have been an extraordinary help, some of our most food-insecure families are still in need. An additional $40,000 in support will help to ensure that our families in greatest need will be able to purchase enough food, hygiene products, and cleaning supplies for the remainder of the summer.


(Anticipated expense: $125,000)
Many of our students need access to healthy meals they were otherwise receiving at school so they don’t go hungry. Our team has assessed that 40 Future Foundation families
need food assistance beyond what can be addressed through Fulton County Schools. pink-line

Here’s how you can help right now

A one-time donation of $41 allows us to deliver

three meals to a hungry child this week.

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To all of our donors — thank you! You are our Second Family and we couldn’t do our work without you.


With your help, we can continue to meet the quickly growing needs of our students, despite the fact that these needs greatly exceed the scope of our annual operating budget by $400,000.

Together, we can ensure all of our students can count on continuing their education and get the nourishment they need to keep them healthy. As one big family, we are in this together, and we are so grateful for your support.

This section is hidden you will need to remove this text and change the visablity. Total Amount Raised

Goal = $400,000.

Haven’t donated yet?

Join us in supporting our students and their families when they need it most.

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