The RESTORE (Reentry Enhanced Services & Training Optimizing Restorative Experiences) Project is designed for Fulton County youth ages 16 to 20 who are now or have recently been involved with the juvenile or adult justice system. RESTORE helps participants overcome challenges in life and become positive, healthy and fully participating members of society by helping them get back in school, master a trade or learn basic life skills.
That’s why we were excited to offer Project RESTORE participants a unique series of workshops about The Inner Entrepreneur.
Created and facilitated by Reflective Waters Transformation Center, Inc., The Inner Entrepreneur workshops are holistic in nature and focus on helping participants understand their true purpose and how to reach it ethically and morally. Then the workshops shift into high gear, teaching participants about entrepreneurship and how to apply their ideas and willingness to work to create their own companies.
The workshops provide hands-on help in branding companies and products by creating a logo, website and marketing material. They also walk participants through the process of creating a business plan, marketing their brand both on grass roots and commercial levels, the difference between profit and non-profit, the importance of customer service, how to diffuse situations, a greater awareness of their reactions and more.
During the course of the workshops, Reflective Waters introduces the group to other young entrepreneurs who demonstrate that you can accomplish this objective at any age. This resonates with this particular population since the participants have histories that can prevent them from obtaining good jobs. Entrepreneurship, therefore, is a viable alternative that also boosts their sense of purpose and self-esteem.
“The workshops have been very effective,” says Nikki Thornton, Project R.E.S.T.O.R.E. Program Manager. “Beyond the practical lessons that are taught, they really empower the RESTORE Project participants and help build their self-esteem.”